I have never been a big fan of horse toys, Heads are always too blunt, shafts never have enough detail to interest me. Bad-Dragon‘s first horse toy is much different.

Description from Bad-Dragon Website: Meet Chance! He’s a thoroughbred stallion of the highest pedigree, chosen from a line of selectively bred stallions for strength, endurance, and most of all, their absolutely massive cock size! We met Chance a while back, while he was out at a track meet with Razor, our doberman model. Though he wasn’t the sporty type, he is a legend on the race track, after all, he was bred just for this reason. Lucky for us, the track isn’t the only place he excels. This model was taken before he got fully excited, which is great for beginners because the head is still tapered, sleek, and slender enough for easy penetration. The Design, however, still supports a cumtube so you can get the wonderful feel of being filled even without the massive flare. A fully flared, post-orgasm version of this toy can be found Here (Don’t own him yet, but maybe soon!) Full Dimensions:
Chance Comes with our full array of splits and blends, and for the first time ever, marbled coloring! Chose “Natural” to get the pink and brown marbling with a black base as seen in the images; chose ‘custom marbled’ for a full-toy two-colored marbling effect, or chose ‘custom marble/split’ to have the shaft marbled two colors, and the base/balls a seperate color! Chance supports a cumtube in the medium and large sizes only. (Includes a free 8oz/250ml bottle with the purchase of a cumtube) Here. Price: Small – $65.00 |

A really good looking horse toy, and of course Bad-Dragon signature set of nice balls to go along with it.
Not as flat as you would expect from an equine toy. He is a horse at heart tho, so dont expect it to be a smooth entrance; this thoroughbred makes his presences known. Like on most toys, I find the head to be the hardest part to take, because this toy has a very long slender shaft, the head has its own mind about where it wants to go, and forcing it in can take some practice. But once you get that head in you’ll have no problems.
The flare part on this unflared toy is still there, but no where near as big as it is in the flared version (obviously). In all my experiences, once you start to get that head in, the rest will follow with ease. A note of warning, because of how it comes back after the head, you should expect this toy not to come out very clean, not a big deal if you ask me, but some people hate that.
A Really long fun shaft in any size toy, the preputial ring(yes I had t look it up) is really evident while not being hard to conquer. This is a really fun shaft to ride if you can get into the right position for it. Perfect toy to use with a partner or some help, Just let them do the work and enjoy the sensations.
Like many of the Bad Dragon toys, the base of Chance is adorned with a nice plump set of balls. BD also has the option to make split firmness toys with the balls being a firmer silicone then the rest of the toy. This is a nice option to have, but unless you find your self needing it to help the toy stand up, or you just like firm balls, not really necessary.

I always get toys with the “surprise me” color option, the guys at Bad-Dragon know what they’re doing and when left to be creative can do some really interesting things!
Other then the split firmness for the balls, the only other option available is a cum tube. If you enjoy the idea of a horse cumming in/on you. Go for it!
they do have very interesting toys all of them are cool
I almost have them all
Any chance unflared for sale?
Mine? no mine is not for sale, I’m a toy horder and could never sell any of my toys XP
But you can order one from Bad Dragon the maker of the toy http://bad-dragon.com/products/chanceunflared
I took a chance with a chance and I love it. It’s my favorite horse dildo to date.